APLU’s Powered by Publics hosts a panel discussion of digital learning experts to help institutions move quickly to remote learning during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Additional resources including a Q&A can be found at FAQs From the Bringing Courses Online Fast in Response to COVID-19 Webinar: https://www.aplu.org/our-work/center-for-public-university-transformation/powered-by-publics/old-assets/webinarfaq.pdf
Speakers: Jim Ptaszynski, PhD, Vice President for Digital Learning at the University of North Carolina – System Office (Retired); Hae Okimoto, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Director of Academic Technologies at the University of Hawaii System; and Karen Vignare, Ph.D. Vice President, Digital Transformation for Student Success & Executive Director, Personalized Learning Consortium (PLC)