Past Workshop: Creating Meaningful Online Learning Experiences | Learning Labs
The shift to remote or blended teaching models offers the opportunity to develop new and engaging pedagogies. This complementary online Learning Lab offered by EDUCAUSE in partnership with Every Learner Everywhere provides immediately-applicable strategies to those teaching or those who support teaching, in online learning environments. Participants will have the opportunity to network with colleagues in a live discussion session and quickly develop understanding in any of the following areas of their choice:
- Facilitating equitable, flexible, digital, and interactive learning experiences.
- Using a variety of online technologies to communicate and collaborate.
- Emulating equitable respect and concern for all learners as human beings.
- Communicating effectively with learners from diverse backgrounds and needs.
- Applying instructional strategies in online teaching to create rich and meaningful experiences for all learners.
- Using feedback techniques to maintain teaching presence.
Participants can explore all of the topics or just some, and then have choices for how to apply their learning in the application activity. They’ll receive feedback and earn a microcredential upon successful participation and project completion.
Participants select one of the four topic areas to explore and learn about:
- Building Relationships,
- Equitable Teaching for Online Diverse Learners,
- Equitable Use of Pedagogy & Technology, or
- Peer Collaboration.
For any of the topic areas above, participants can expect a three-part experience:
- Self-paced resources to read, watch, and listen to with a discussion to process learning;
- A live synchronous session via Zoom to participate in group discussion and networking; and
- A self-paced, equity-relevant application activity to apply the meaningful learning concepts to their own current work with online learning.
The final step to complete the Learning Lab is to apply their learning. Participants choose an application option based on their needs and can use any resources from the learning materials in this lab to support their work.