The report Every Learner Everywhere & Lighthouse Institutions shares first-year experiences of 2- and 4-year colleges piloting new versions of gateway courses incorporating adaptive learning.
This analysis identified seven major and three secondary trends in digital learning innovation. The goal of adaptive learning and OER implementations is to advance institutional efforts in providing access and quality while improving student success.
The New Learning Compact Framework is a cohesive resource that includes: Core Values, Core Principles, Inquiry Questions for Self-assessment and Planning, and Guidelines for Implementation and Evaluation.
In this webinar, faculty discuss the resources needed for a successful implementation of adaptive courseware and the importance of the relationship with a courseware vendor.
A courseware selection rubric for evaluating courseware products during the adaptive courseware selection process.
This is a sample syllabus statement to introduce the adaptive courseware component of your course to students.
This resource is a set of tools to help you review your adaptive courseware license agreement.